York Health and Care Partnership


 Monday 21st August 2023, 12:30 - 15:00

Severus Meeting Room; First Floor, West Offices

Chair: Ian Floyd



Ian Floyd (Chair)

Chief Operating Officer

City of York Council (CYC)

Sarah Coltman- Lovell

York Place Director

York Place, H&NY ICB

Rebecca Field

Joint Chair of York Health and Care Collaborative

York Medical Group

Emma Johnson

Chief Executive

St. Leonards Hospice

Zoe Campbell

Managing Director, NYY&S


Prof Mike Holmes



Alison Semmence

Chief Executive

York Centre for Voluntary Services (CVS)

Simon Morritt

Chief Executive


Professor Karen Bryan


Vice Chancellor

York St John University

(representing higher education)

Martin Kelly

Corporate Director of Children and Education


Jamaila Hussain

Corporate Director of Adult Service and Integration


Debbie Mitchell

Chief Finance Officer


Cllr Claire Douglas (on behalf of Cllr Coles)

Leader of Labour Group


In Attendance

Anna Basilico

Head of Population Health  

York Place, H&NY ICB

Hannah Taylor

Team Administrator

York Place, H&NY ICB

Kerry Carroll

Deputy Director of Strategic Development

North Lincolnshire and Goole Hospital

Lynette Smith

Deputy Managing Director, Humber and North Yorkshire Collaboration of Acute Providers


Joy Dodson



Andy Growns



Sheila Fletcher

Commissioning Manager; Mental Health and Vulnerable Adults

York Place, H&NY ICB

Jill Quinn


Dementia Forward

Pauline Stuchfield

Director, Customer, and Communities


Laura Williams

Assistant Director, Customer, and Communities and Inclusion


Anita Dobson (on behalf of Peter Roderick)


Consultant in Public Health


Dan Moynihan

Contract Commercial Senior Lawyer


Shaun Macey

AD Primary Care Transformation and Pathways

York Place, H&NY ICB


Helena Ebbs

Director Clinical & Professional Services

York Place, H&NY ICB

Cllr Jo Coles

Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care


Peter Roderick


Acting Director of Public Health/ Deputy Director of Population Health

CYC/York Place, H&NY ICB

Gail Brown


York Schools & Academies Board

Sian Balsom


York Healthwatch

Brian Cranna

Care Group Director of Operations & Transformation, North Yorkshire, York and Selby Care Group 



Minutes – draft




Led by


Welcome and apologies for absence


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


The minutes of the meeting held on 17.07.2023 were approved.


There were no declarations of interest in the business of the meeting.


Alison Semmence highlighted the roll out of the York Ending Stigma Suicide Prevention film is starting in the autumn. The YHCP is asked to support roll out of the film through showings in each organisation.


9th September, Alison would send out in an email following the meeting.




Extra Item

Integrated Care Offer (Intermediate Care)


Sharing Slides Jamaila gave an update on the integrated care offer sharing the highlights from the task and finish groups that had been set up in the 3 programme areas.

Jamaila shared information on the Frailty Hub plans, future model and the timelines, Single point of Access plans, outcomes and vision and Specification development, timeline and the next steps updating the board will continue to get highlights and when the 3 phases will be implemented.

Jamaila Hussain


Citizen Story


Jill shared a story of an individual with Young Onset Dementia who has received ongoing support from Dementia Forward. Jill outlined how the Dementia Forward  helpline supported the individual  and their family throughout receiving the diagnosis and shared how Dementia Forward offered wrap around support to the individual  when they were unable to engage with the service. Dementia Forward have also offered support and education to the individual, people around them and places they frequently visit to support the individual to live a well and fulfilled life.


Jill ended with some positive feedback they had received from the individual and family members around how Dementia Forward have continuously helped the individual to maintain routines and stay well in their community.

Jill Quinn


Update on the Dementia Strategy


Jill informed the Committee about Dementia Forward and their purpose, outlining how their delivery model helps to divert people from calling GP's and Social Workers, the aspirations for the future model and the numbers of people they offer support to within the York area.


Sheila highlighted some areas from the circulated paper including:

·         A funding gap which resulted in the loss of Dementia Co-Ordinators within Primary Care

·         Non recurrent funding for the Brain Health Café, Dementia Wellbeing Café, and the Dementia Nurse via Dementia forward

·         Estimated 53% growth in Dementia by 2030 with a timely diagnosis crucial for the new medication that is being rolled out.

·         28.5 week to get a diagnosis

·         Data on the amount of people who are waiting a diagnosis and how much the cost of Dementia will be by 2030

·         Patient Story of a Lady who attends the Brain Health Café.


Discussion from the Committee took place on:

·         Number of Young Onset Dementia being unique in York and queries as to why this may be.

·         Collectively thinking about Dementia and sustainable, recurrent funding options.

·         Number of people who get a diagnosis after support from Dementia Forward pre-diagnosis.

·         Reablement.

·         Improvement of coding health records with pre-dementia diagnosis and the possibility of using the 'working diagnosis' code prior to confirmed diagnosis.



Sarah Coltman-Lovell will have a conversation with Nigel Wells and Helena Ebbs about improving the use of the 'working diagnosis' code.

Further Paper to come to the Committee to look at resource and innovated funding – Sheila Fletcher.


Jill Quinn

Sheila Fletcher


Conflicts of Interest


Andy shared a presentation informing the board of how the ICB manage Declarations of interest, purpose of the Conflict of Interest Policy, where to find the ICB Declaration of Interest register and the roles/responsibilities/duties.

Joy added that it is best people declare an interest if they are unsure and it is important to declare so that decisions are made right.

Dan updated on how the council manage declarations of Interest.



Hannah Taylor to compile and circulate a Declaration of Interest Register


Andy Growns

Dan Moynihan

Joy Dodson


Collaborative of Acute Providers development of the H&NY Planned Care Strategy/Framework


Lynette and Kerry updated on the planned care strategy approach sharing the collaborative of acute providers is reflected in the NHS Long Term Plan. Sharing the next steps and collate outputs from the 4 trusts within the ICB data driven from the 4 trusts on where they are in elective care, engagement, and continuation.


Discussion ensued on:

·         Future items on how the collaboratives fit into Place would be helpful for the Committee

·         Where providers come together, what place is doing to support

·         Primary/Secondary Care Interface group which has recently met.



Simon Morritt to bring an item to a future meeting on what CAP do, what they are trying to achieve both ICB and Nationally, what they focus on and the Future.

Anna to explore performance reporting at ICB level linked to our place priorities and bring back recommendations to this meeting.

Lynette Smith

Kerry Carroll


IERUK Anti-Racist city


Pauline started by giving some background, adding that the intention for the circulated supporting document is to promote equality and diversity. Pauline informed that City of York Council approved and funded the work but even with York being a City of Sanctuary there is still a way to go to tackle casual racism in York, the next step is for a paper to go back to the Council CMT in November with a detailed action plan for the Council and they have been asked to make a pledge against racism which has now been signed by the Leader of the Council, Cllr Douglas. Pauline asked how do partners wish to contribute and would they support a city-wide summit.


Topics covered in discussions were

·         The pledge link is on the council website

·         Where the document has been circulated

·         Some information not accurate in the paper reported by TEWV

·         Discrimination from patients to Medical Staff

·         Partners to contact Pauline with names of People for the Summit



Board to receive further updates from Pauline Stuchfield/Laura Williams

All partners to contact Pauline Stuchfield with names of people for the Summit.


Pauline Stuchfield

Laura Williams




Sarah informed that she would be emailing partners following the meeting about the NHS Winter Plan and the focus of the September Board meeting be on Winter Planning with a strong element in the NHS and Local Authority Plan to consider and submit.


Sarah informed the Committee of a Health and Care Recruitment, Careers and Volunteering Event that is taking place at West Offices on the 4th November and encouraged partners to sign up for a stall.



Sarah Coltman-Lovell to email the YHCP members with information about winter planning in preparation.
